Phil and Cora Rizzuto's 60th wedding anniversary

 New York Yankee Baseball Hall of Famer Phil Rizzuto and his wife Cora celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary. This photo by Dave Rossi was used on the cover of the Italian Tribune newspaper, in multiple news outlets, as a formal wall portrait for the couples home as well as appearing on the Jumbotron at Yankee Stadium in celebration of the special anniversary.

RizzutoPhil_MP03jpgRizzutoPhil_MP03jpgNew York Yankees legend and Baseball Hall of Fame player Phil Rizzuto & wife Cora Rizzuto in their 60th Wedding Anniversary Portrait. This image was taken for use on the Jumbotron at Yankee Stadium to announce their anniversary during the game, for the cover of the Italian Tribune and multiple other magazines, and for their home and family.




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